Sacred Sites - The Thin Places
It’s possible that at some point in our spiritual journeys, we encounter very unusual sacred sites. Sacred sites are places that have mysterious energies that set them apart from the rest. One simply feels different in a sacred place. These sacred sites might feel suitable for meditation, introspection, and even healing. Our mind gets full of creative ideas. We stop thinking with our analytical left-brain hemisphere and start having a more imaginative, creative right-brain hemisphere mindset. Unsurprisingly, we soon find out that these mystical places are considered sacred sites. Even today they can serve as pilgrimage destinations, and as we become more sensible to energies, we learn to recognize why.
A Thin Place is a place where the veil between this world and the spiritual world is very thin. The term “thin place” is mostly associated with Celtic mysticism. Ancient Celts were deeply connected to nature. They were channelers for nature’s knowledge, and they were easily drawn to search for these sacred sites which are also be considered vortexes; places where high concentration of different energies can be felt. There are many reasons for this high concentration of energies, but, very often, the vortex is caused by Ley Lines.
Ley lines are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks that have been recognised to demarcate earth energies. These energies have transformative effects in the human body, mind and spirit, and are even said to serve as guides or fuel for alien spacecraft.
Ancient cultures knew that along the Ley lines they could build their sacred sites to conduct all sorts of rituals such as healing, divination, and spiritual transformation. One can talk to the Gods in these sacred places.
There are many well-known sacred places around the world that still serve as pilgrimage destinations today, such as Stonehenge in England, or Lourdes in France.
Now, the only problem with these sacred sites is that they’ve become very touristy. For that reason, by having all those commercial energies brought over, it is hard to feel the energies in those aforementioned sacred sites.
Luckily for us, in Mexico there are peoples who still keep their prehispanic culture. Onf of these groups are the Wixarika peoples also known as Huicholes. The Wixarika are very good at following Ley lines, and where these Ley lines meet that’s when you have an energy vortex, and it becomes a sacred site for them. The Wixarika continue visiting these sacred sites as pilgrimage destinations to perform their ceremonies and rituals.
One of such sacred sites is located in the state of Nayarit, a 90-minute drive from the city of Puerto Vallarta, an important tourist destination.
A mysterious silence takes places when walking through this magical jungle. The wind and palm leaves seem at times to be communicating with us. The woods seem enchanted, and the rocks have the most unusual formations and carvings. Some of these carvings are very ancient and, surprisingly, against any logic, they are very similar to spiral symbols present in the ancient Celtic world.
Unsurprisingly, I’ve identified that this spiritual place in Mexico could also be called a “Thin Place”, a place where the veil between this world and another world (or dimension) is very thin. But, what happens in a thin place, exactly?
The sensation is hard to describe. You feel a pervasive silent and calm. You feel it is easier to be in the moment, opposed to be worrying about the past or the future, which, belive it or not, I’ve come to realize is pretty much the normal state of modern humans, and it’s the cause of our suffering. It seems that the most succesful people in the world have the ability to live the present moment.
Another sensation that’s experienced in a thin place is the sensation of being “watched” all the time. I don’t find this sensation to be scary at all, though. I believed I’m being watched by good entities when I’m in one of these thin places. And there’s more; keep reading.
The sensation of being watched in a spiritual place in Mexico - Spiritual Travel
So, going back to the ancient Celts and their connection to this site in Mexico, I believe the druids (the spiritual guides of the Celts) were building their stone circles, menhirs, and dolmens following these Ley lines to where two or more of these intersected becoming an energy vortex. Those monuments they built at the energy vortex were considered sacred places, and I believed one could feel they were also thin places. But the concept of a thin place is not limited to a physical place; there are dates in a year where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world becomes thinner, such as the last days of October and first days of November where sacred ceremonies, now turned into holidays, such as Samhain (Halloween) in Celtic culture and the Day of the Dead in Mexico take place.
A Celtic menhir in a spiritual place in France - Spiritual travel
As you can see, the concept of energy vortexes, Ley lines, and thin places is not limited to ancient Celtic culture, of course, cultures over the world have similar concepts. In Mexico, the Wixarika peoples that I’ve mentioned before also hold a very similar tradition to that of the ancient Celts.
I have the opportunity to meet a Wixarika shaman. His name is Santos. In a brief conversation with Santos, he confirmed that many Ley lines intersected in this sacred site in Nayarit Mexico.
It is my theory, based on the spiritual knowledge I’ve gotten from my occult studies, and the information I have received in my pineal gland through interacting with this site, that the spiral represents could represent three things that are intrinsically connected: time travel, energy vortexes, and thin places.
Celtic spirals found at the entrance of the sacred site of Newgrange, Ireland - spiritual travel
Spiral in the sacred site of Altavista, Mexico - spiritual travel
Archeologist are, of course, unaware of this fact, and this sacred site hasn’t been studied in depth due to lack of funds or interest. Even if it were, we know how biased and limited archeology and the scientific community are in general regarding this associations. But suffices to talk to a any member of the Wixarika peoples to support my theory: they see this sacred site as a place where there are entrances to the underworld, which for them, is incredibly sacred.
My friend recorded a video documenting this spiritual place in Mexico. Watch the video in my next post, and if you’re interested on taking a spiritual tour to this marvelous spiritual place, check out our spiritual tours page. I would love you to experiment it live. I guarantee that the experience will be something to remember.