Dream Interpretation
The Significance of Dreams: A Path to Self-Discovery
People often overlook the importance of dreams, unaware that the dream world holds a reality just as valid and meaningful as the physical one. Dreams serve as an essential balancing force, providing the subjective insight often missing from our overly logical waking lives.
Dreams function as a feedback mechanism. They highlight aspects of our lives that require attention and offer clues on how to address and resolve underlying issues. In this way, dreams act as guides, helping us navigate personal challenges and facilitating our emotional and psychological growth.
Moreover, dreams can sometimes be prophetic, offering glimpses into future events—both positive and negative. This occurs because dreams unfold within the fifth dimension, a realm where linear time does not exist. Here, past, present, and future converge, allowing dreams to serve as portals to insights beyond our current temporal reality.
The symbolism embedded within dreams has historically been highly valued. In ancient times, kings and leaders employed dream interpreters to guide critical decisions. Historical texts like Herodotus' The Histories illustrate how dreams have influenced some of history's most significant moments.
This section provides general guidance on dream interpretation. However, it's essential to recognize that dream symbolism can be highly personal. Over time, each individual must become familiar with their unique dream language.
To enhance your understanding, maintaining a dream diary is highly beneficial. Recording your dreams regularly allows you to recognize recurring themes and symbols. When significant life events occur, revisiting your dream diary might reveal predictive elements that previously went unnoticed. By consistently documenting and reflecting upon your dreams, you'll gradually develop the ability to interpret them accurately, turning your dream experiences into powerful tools for spiritual growth and self-awareness.
To dream of...
Here's the reordered list in alphabetical order:
Actor: Beware of an enemy.
Agony (Seeing yourself dying): Good health, this dream is interpreted by the law of opposites.
Ambush: Treason.
Angel: Represents prosperity.
Ant: Patience, foresight.
Arrows: Sorrows and misfortunes.
Army: If the "army is in favor", it means the "divine law is in favor." If the army "is against", it symbolizes "karma" or "punishment".
Attacking cat: Betrayal of partner or close people, and even infidelity.
Attacking tiger: Treason.
Axe: Destruction.
Balance: The balance represents the Law of Karma.
Barn: Poverty (interpreted by the law of opposites).
Bathing in clean water: Health.
Bat: Black magic.
Bike: Represents spiritual balance.
Bird in flight: It portends a trip by water.
Black bull: Black magician.
Black cow: Attack of black magic.
Black water: Dangers.
Boat: Someone will leave; work in alchemical transmutation.
Book delivered by teachers: Future teaching to receive.
Broken reed: Lost illusion or hope.
Broom: Your inner God asks you to do internal cleaning, eliminate defects.
Bullet: Bad thoughts.
Bull or cow attacking: Enemies.
Buying: Gain.
Cage: With bird means freedom; without bird means prison.
Camel: Land travel, riches.
Car: If you're driving and it breaks down, symbolizes spiritual danger.
Castle: Spiritual promotions, spiritual work.
Celebration: Represents tragedies.
Chains: Dragging chains means melancholy; chains breaking mean happy event.
Clock: Must be interpreted with number symbology.
Cockroaches: Head full of silly ideas.
Coffin: Family mourning. Also, you must immediately change behavior.
Cold: Despair, trouble.
Colours: Yellow: Work with Christ; Blue: Love; White: Purity; Purple: Maximum spirituality; Black: Maximum negativity; Dark: Mediocre; Red: Passion; Green: Hope.
Criminal: Disgrace, pains.
Crow: Death, disappointment and deception.
Crystal clear water: Good health.
Cyclone: Disaster.
Dead: Seeing yourself dead means death of some defect, advancement spiritually.
Desert: Losses, initiatory path.
Dirty water: Diseases.
Donkey: Represents the mind; as the donkey is, the mind is.
Dragged by a stream of water: Spiritual failure.
Dressed in rags: Spiritually wrong.
Dromedary: Wealth.
Eagle: Represents the Holy Spirit; flying high: happy event; plummeting: fatal event; wounded: ruin; dead: total ruin.
Eating candy: Bitterness.
Eating tomatoes: Physical pain.
Eggs (carrying or chicks hatching): Internal birth.
Elephant: Consciousness to awaken.
Excrement: Monetary aid; financial abundance.
Eye: Divine vigilance.
Fall of teeth: Spiritual tragedy, diseases.
Fire: Problems, obstacles, tangles, messes.
Fire, torch: Advice to awaken consciousness; fire from sky: punishment.
Fish served on a plate: Abundance of food.
Fishing: Apostolate, delivering knowledge.
Fisherman: Symbol of apostolate.
Flood: Accident, problems.
Flowers: Virtues of soul; yellow flower: danger; sowing flowers: conquering virtues.
Flying: Spiritual achievements.
Fresh water: Drinking fresh water means fortune.
Garden: Spiritual happiness.
Garlic: Revelation of secret.
Hat: Immediate trip.
Heat: Despair, trouble.
Heat, feeling a lot: Despair, trouble.
Hen: Cowardice, shyness; laying eggs: profit; clucking: misfortunes.
Home: Represents physical body; house with roof holes: bad thoughts.
Horse: Physical body; runaway horse: wrong spiritual path; falling off horse: departure from path.
Hot water, drinking it: Illness or accident.
Island: Loved person leaves us.
Jail: Karma or punishment.
Lamb: Inner Christ.
Lamp: Wisdom; extinguished lamp: premature old age.
Leopard: Successive misfortunes.
Letters: Good news.
León: Lion attacks: karma; playing with lion: no karma; seeing a lion: talking to important person.
Light: Faithful friendship.
Live fish fishing: Physical vitality.
Locomotive: Great trip.
Marriage: Death (law of opposites); dressed as bride/groom: own death.
Meek dog: Honest friendship; dog licking: someone helping selflessly.
Mirror: Treason, deception.
Money: Found money: sadness; lost money: happy business (law of opposites).
Moon: Egos, defects.
Mud: Walking in mud means suffering, bitterness, illness.
Mule: Involution, spiritually wrong.
Naked: Financial misery; naked among people: innocence.
Old person: Wisdom, understanding.
Old scissors: Gossip, slander.
Old shoes: Wrong on spiritual path.
Ox: Fight, tenacity; must work spiritually. Fat ox: abundance; skinny ox: scarcity.
Owl: Black magic, witchcraft, spells.
Palm: Triumph.
Parrot: Gossip.
Peacock: Pride.
Pheasant: Inner God manifesting.
Pig: Fornication.
Plane: Spiritual advancement; plane falling: spiritual fall.
Police: Arrested by police: divine justice charging karma; police defending: divine law in favor.
Pull out a woman's hair: Worry.
Rags: Spiritually wrong.
Rainbow: Alliance.
Rice: Abundance.
Rider: The God within, the real being.
Road: Road with flowers: good path ahead; bad road: spiritual trouble.
Sandals: Humility.
Scorpion: Sex; scorpion attacking: astral larvae, needs cleansing.
Seagull: Long safe trips; separation.
Seed: Birth.
Shoe: Wearing only one shoe: bad state on spiritual path.
Soap: Cleaning.
Snake attacking us: Killing snake: abolished danger; tame snake: Divine Mother.
Stagnant water: Accumulated sexual energy.
Stairway: Initiatory path; climbing: spiritual ascent; descending: losses, diseases.
Stars: Divine intelligences helping; falling star near important person: death; black stars: failure.
Stormy sea: No dominion over passion; lust flaw.
Sun: The Intimate, real being within each one.
Sun rising from east: Spiritual birth needed.
Swan: Holy Spirit.
Sweet (eating sweets): Bitterness (law of opposites).
Tangled body: Slander, gossip.
Teeth: Tooth decay: spiritual tragedy, insecurity, illness.
Thorns: Will of Christ, pain, suffering.
Tiger defending us: Friend defends us.
Tomatoes (eating): Physical pain.
Tortoise: Spiritual slowness.
Tree: Uprooted tree: spiritual fall; leafy tree: protection, approach to God; small tree: short life.
Vulture: Death.
Wanderers (swallows): Divine help, wedded bliss; swallow leaving house: misfortune.
Wasp: Stung by wasp: sorrow.
Water (in general): Sexual energy.
Water (swimming against): Obstacles, tests.
Water, from flood: Accident.
White bull: Venerable master.
White sheet: Divine protection.
Wild boar: Low passions.
Wolfdog attacking: Karma, punishment.
The Meaning of numbers: Dreaming of numbers must be interpreted according to Kabbalah.
Kabbalah is the science of numbers. In Kabbalah there are 22 major arcana and each of them has its meaning.
It is recommended to buy a set of Tarot, especially Egyptian Tarot.
When the number is greater than 22, its figures are added until obtaining one between 1 and 22.
Example: if you dream of 54, add the figures 5 + 4, until you get 9 and look for the meaning of the number 9. If the number dreamed is 710, add 7 + 1 + 0 = 8, and find the meaning of number 8. Etc.
This is the meaning of the 22 major arcana:
1. The inner Father. The divine will and power. The unity.
2. the Divine Mother. The divine love. Favorable for occult science.
3. Material and spiritual production. The Holy Spirit.
4. The intimate one. The real being. Control. Progress, success, mercy.
5. The divine law. The Karma. Mars, war.
6. The human soul. Victory. Good luck. Indecision.
7. The triumph with wars and struggles, pain and bitterness.
8. Justice. Trials, suffering and pain. Job's number. Patience.
9. Loneliness and suffering. The ninth sphere. Sex. Alchemy or sexual transmutation.
10. Recurrence. Repayment. Wheel of fortune. Good business! Changes.
11. Divine Law in favor: Let there be no fear because divine law favors you.
12. The Apostolate. The Gnostic teaching must be disseminated. Sacrifice. Trials and pain.
13. Death and birth. Total change. Transformations.
14. Marriage: Association. Long life. Stability. Nonchange.
15. Dangers. Animal sexual passion. Love failure.
16. The tower struck down. Punishment. Terrible fall. It portends us that something is wrong.
17. Hope. Wait.
18. Hidden enemies jump at any moment. Diseases. Not business.
19. Bright sun. The inspiration. Successes. Good luck. The filosofal stone.
20. Favorable changes, take advantage of it. End weaknesses or defects.
21. Total demoralization for evil.
22. The truth. Victory. Triumph. Everything works out fine. Good luck. Power. Strength.