Astral Projection revelations about a life’s purpose
Finding life’s purpose through astral projection
Astral projection also known as astral travel, or an out of body experience (O.B.E.) is when a person’s consciousness leaves the physical body behind and starts exploring a different dimension, aka, a different plane of existence, as seen in my astral travel course introductory video above.
Astral projection is considered an extrasensory perception or psychic ability, just like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, past life memory, intuition, etc. Some people are naturally born with this extrasensory perception, but, unknown to the majority, extrasensory perceptions, such as astral projection can be developed.
When I was a teenager, I began to experience sleep paralysis, an experience that seemed scary at first, until a friend of mine suggested this could be related to astral travel.
This awakened my curiosity, and trying to find answers about this astral traveling phenomenon I joined an occult society, a group that taught Western esotericism. There, I learned not only to control the sleep paralysis, but what is astral travel and how to astral project at will. From then on, almost every night I began to consciously astral travel into the astral plane.
With practice, I acquired total mastery of this skill and thanks to astral projection I was able to visit Egypt. I was inside the pyramids and even under the Great Sphinx of Giza where I was able to explore secret rooms filled with treasures from Atlantis. A bit later I got to visit the old Cairo museum before actually traveling to Egypt with my physical body years later
The astral traveling experiences just kept getting better and better. Through astral projection I have visited temples and kingdoms that don’t exist in the 3-D world. I have traveled to other planets. I’ve met people in the astral plane that I later met in the physical world and can attest to the experience.
I’ve spoken with the dead, seen the future and also some of my past and future lives, since I have had access to the Akashic Records, a library in the astral plane where all universal events that have occurred in the past, present, or future can be accessed.
After years of astral travels, I decided that these experiences were so wonderful and enriching that I needed to share them with the world, and so I wrote my first astral projection book and started teaching others how to astral travel. The Astral Travel Course is my latest effort to make these teachings available. In it I teach everything I know after more than 20 years of experience as an astral traveler and spiritual guide.
The revelations
Over time, I discovered that astral projection was just the tip of the iceberg. Eventually, I began to experience telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, past life recall, future perception, communication with versions of my past and future, visiting parallel versions of my life, and even encountered other versions of myself.
I soon discovered then that the New Age and other spiritual movement’s prophecies were becoming real: planet Earth is having a cosmic alignment that is helping humans to awaken, and that I was a Star Seed, awakening in this world to help guide others in the spiritual evolution. Astral travel is part of this cosmic help. Star seeds all over the world are beginning to awaken their extrasensory abilities, and if you’re attracted to these topics there are pretty good chances that your frequency is getting ready for a quantum leap into a higher dimension.
If you’re interested on experiencing the amazing world of astral travel. Checkout my course, here.