Spiritual Travel - Meeting Light Workers
This post is a continuation of Spiritual travel - Mazunte.
After dealing with the negative entities, we started to enjoy what Mazunte had to offer. One of those things, which was fascinating, was the possibility of watching the sun rising and setting at the sea. The unusual beach location makes this possible.
The main Mazunte beach is pretty, but on the other side of the mountains of Mazunte, there’s a beach called Mermejita which is simply stunning. We watched the sunset here and the scenery is nothing less than dreamy Dali-lesque.
Spiritual travel in Mermejita beach, Mazunte
On the evening, we went to a Kirtan session at a yoga center. If you haven’t tried Kirtan before I advice you do so. Basically, people gather to sing hindu chants with hindu instruments. It’s a form of meditation or trance, for a spiritual extasy is achieved during the experience. It is marvelous for mind spirit.
Kirtan, one of my favorite activities to do - Spiritual travel
Then, on the next day, the highlight of our spiritual travel took place: we went to watch the sunset from Punta Cometa. Punta Cometa is a rocky mountainous peninsula that divides the main Mazunte beach and Mermejita beach. It is a place of great importance for many reasons. One of these reasons is that it is the southernmost tip of Mexico. It holds great importance for the Wikarika peoples (Huicholes) as the southernmost point of their cosmovision’s 5-cardinal points. For this reason, Wixarika offerings can be found in Punta Cometa, as well as an ancient indigenous observatory, which is now an archeological ruin.
On the way to Punta Cometa - Spiritual Travel
To fully immerse ourselves in the experience, we consumed magic mushrooms in the form of “lemon tekking”: the dried and powdered magic mushrooms are immersed in lemon juice for 30-60 minutes and then the resulting liquid is filtered through a coffee filter to remove the solids. In this way the body load is less (less nausea). The experience also seem to last less, around 2-3 hours. We watched the sunset from Punta Cometa. The whole spectacle looked like being inside a Renoir or Monet painting. I put on my earphones and began listening to Shamanic drumming and put myself into a magnificient trance where I saw myself dancing around a bone fire like an indigenous person. An experience which I will incorporate in the future to my conscious masculinity course.
After that, we had time for deep philosphy. We realized that we had shifted our realities for the better. Our lives were improving so much and our dreams were coming true. A version of us in a parallel dimension had awakened, and by doing so, the other versions of me, including this one, are bound to fully awaken soon. Our mission is to guide mankind into this new way of thinking. Never before had we seen so much evidence of people awakening. The Age of Aquarius, according to my sources, began on the 4th of February of 1962. A strong shift was felt in the world. The epicenter was the United States, where the Hippie revolution took place. Yet, back then, the transition was just happening. We haven’t reached the climax yet, but now the energies are stronger than back then, and for that reason we see that many more people are awakening. The keyword here is to connect yourself with the right-brain hemisphere, the one related to the surreal, creativity, art, inspiration, child-like mentality. We’ve had enough of analytical, logical thinking and it’s the time to reach for a balance.
So, the next day we met a very good friend. Her name is Jaki. She’s a hypnotist who works with past lives regressions. I had a session with her where I got to see many of my previous existences. It was a mind-blowing experience. Check out her website at: www.jakihypnotherapy.com
We had dinner at this Moroccan restaurant in Mazunte which is very central yet hard to find. It seems they don’t want to be found because it’s very exclusive.
Delicious vegan Moroccan food - Spiritual travel
The food is vegan and it was delicious. We had a wonderful night and Jaki introduced us to another star seed (see how everything connects in Mazunte?). Her name is Eve Marie. She’s a French Canadian woman that has an amazing story to tell. Eve Marie lost her mother and fell into depression, and for a time she lived in the Canadian wilderness. During that time, she learned to communicate to nature with her voice, and through that, she started receiving information from the Akashic Records. At one point, in Bali, Indonesia, in one of her many pilgrimage destinations she found a burried pyramid. There, she was contacted by intelligent beings she calls, “the giants”, for they are giants who can be perceived with clairvoyance, by rising once’s vibration or by her amazing voice with which she heals people and teaches workshops to develop once’s voice to achieve spiritual journeys.
Meeting other light workers - Spiritual travel
Being sensible to energies, I instantly knew Eve Marie and her story were the real deal. Not only that, but I myself had naturally discovered communication with nature by singing mantrams in the past. So, I took a session with Eve Marie to further develop this faculty.
Eve Marie Roy - An Incredible teacher you have to meet - Spiritual travel
Our session with Eve Marie was wonderful. We learned a new skill and we even fred repressed sufferings which made us cry. At the end of our journey, Eve Marie told us that in one of her visions she found out there was a pyramid in Mazunte hidden under vegetation. This didn’t surprise us at all, knowing that Mazunte was such a spiritual place in Mexico. But wait! There’s more! As you can see on the picture above, Eve Marie had a drum. It turns out that this drum was very special and this is going to be the subject of my next post on Shamanic Journeying.
And with this we reach the end of the Spiritual Travel series of posts. Thank you for reading!