Spiritual Travel - Mazunte: Sacred Sites Journey
In the previous post I narrated how I met my friends Elijah and Koi Koi and how we decided to spiritual travel to Mazunte.
Spiritual travel in beautiful Mazunte
Mazunte had been up my alley for quite some time since I met a friend, a hypnotherapist who does past life regressions. Her name is Jaki, and her sessions are super cool. Thanks to her, I got to see not one, but many past lives! You might want to check out her website: https://www.jakihypnotherapy.com/
So, Jaki had told me that Mazunte was a very spiritual place where it was possible to meet other spiritual travelers. Few months later I had a lucid dream where I was in Mazunte. In the lucid dream I was looking for the beach and, when I finally arrived, I saw an incredible bay. The water was rainbow-colored and dreamy. In my dream, I stood there, watching the sea in awe, crying out of hapiness. I felt that I could stay in that moment forever. I felt I was in heaven, and then… I woke up and decided I definetely needed to go to Mazunte.
So, when my new friends told me they were looking for an interesting place to go Mazunte was the first place I suggested for spiritual travel.
We arrived to Mazunte one evening. It was a small beach town that had great vibe. Our airbnb was located a few steps from the beach going up the hill. It was an open air palapa style place, perfect for listening to the waves at night on a budget. Like I said, the second floor bedroom had a thatched roof and the shower didn’ Yet, the house was comfortable enough. There was something odd with it, though: one of the airbnb reviews said that the house was very exposed and three people had broken in one night. That, of course, sounded a bit scary.
There was something else that caught my attention: upon showing us the place and handing me the keys, the landlady couldn’t lock the door to my room. She said that the previous renters were always drunk and that they possibly damaged it. She was able to fix the lock, but her mentioning these previous drunk tenants gave me the creeps, and when I went to sleep something really creepy actually happened:
I was so tired that I fell into a deep sleep. Then, I woke up in the middle of the night to find a white bearded guy who looked like a tourist, staring at me. I shouted at him: “get out of here!”, and he didn’t move nor flinched. The fact that he was staring at me was scary as hell.
But I was so tired that I fell deeply asleep again. I woke up a second time and this time I saw a Mexican-looking woman, crawling through one of the roof openings. She too stared at me without flinching and began to throw rocks at me. That’s right, big rocks. The kind of rocks that could cause a concussion. While she was doing so, the creeped out me couldn’t move, and I felt like my bed was swinging, getting away and coming back to where this woman was. Needless to say, it was crazy scary.
Finally, I fell asleep again, and I had a nightmare where I saw a man that looked to be an over 6’6 foot tall bully. He was very aggressive, and in the nightmare, he put a chip on my phone to spy on me and my friends. At the end of the nightmare he slid my arm open with a knife and I woke up. I had had a terrible night. My friends also saw and felt weird things.
The house was haunted, and belive it or not, this is something very common in cheap hotels and motels where you have a lot of people coming from shady backgrounds for the purposes of heavy drinking. This brings negative vibes to properties. I had seen problematic ghosts before, and had had nightmares in other similar stays, and I reckoned I needed to exorcise the place. A practice that is very effective to clear places from bad energies. I had learned to do this when I studied in a mystical society many years ago.
The procedure consists on smudging the place with protective herbs while you say conjurations. Namely, a conjuration called “The conjuration of the 4 genii”, and the “Conjuration of Salomon The Wise”. I might do another post to talk about these two conjurations.
Luckily for us, Elijah had brought sage and Palo Santo with him. Two herbs I highly recommend for smudging places with bad energy.
So, I smudged the whole place. I had forgotten the conjurations. So, I had to read them from my phone, and this turned out alright. You can see part of the video next.
How to exercise a place - spiritual travel
Exorcising a place - Spiritual travel
After exorcising the place we were able to sleep well without feeling or seeing the prescence of negative entities. To be on the safe side, though, we decided to exorcise the house every night, and on the second night a very weird incident took place…
While I was exorcising the second floor, just like in the video above, I heard a cat screaming and it gave me the goosebumps. I went down to check on my friends and they said they heard as if a large bird of prey had captured a cat and took him away flying. For the screaming could be heard losing itself in the distance coming from above!
Needless to say, we felt we needed to exorcise the place every night, and we never ran through issues again.
On the last day of our stay, I told my friend Jaki about what had happened to us. She told us that she doesn’t like to go to that part of the beach where the house was located, because she could feel the creepy vibes, since, it turns out, that area used to be the towns’ cemetery!
So, indeed, we were spending the night in an abandoned cemetery and, on top of that, the nightly rent was so cheap that it attracted a lot of people from shady backgrounds.
We believe that the previous review of the property which mentioned that people had broken into the property was, unknowns to the previous guests, probably referring to the negative entities we saw on our first night.
So, what are negative entities, you might be wondering?
The way I see negative entities is like a software. Basically, the world of the mind is a reality. The mind actually is found, not in the brain, which is just a vehicle for the mind to work in the 3-dimensional plane, but in the higher astral plane which takes place in the 5th dimension. People’s actions and thoughts can create this software that subsists with energy and remains in the lower astral plane in the 5th dimension. According to my experiences, when a person dies that person can be contacted in the lower astral plane through astral travels or through dreams, for a period of time after the person has just passed away. After that, the dead person is assigned a purpose in the astral world, starts purging his/her karma from his/her psyche and, eventually, after a days, months, years, or decades -rarely centuries- that person has to come back to the third dimension, be born again, and continue is evolutionary path, until that person awakens and trascends his/her karma and can break free from the cycle of birth and death, becoming enlightened.
So, what people refer to ghosts or negative entities, like the ones we encountered in Mazunte, are not technically dead people, but the actual personalities (the software) shed away by dead people or actually created by alive people and, like I said, these entities remain in the 5th dimension pestering the living.
Why would they do that? you might be asking yourself
Well, it seems they feed on people’s energies and most probably negative energies such as fear. This is why they resort to scaring the living. No wonder why that ghost lady was throwing rocks at me! She wanted to scare me to feed on my fear. Technically, though, we can’t really say these entities are alive, since they don’t have a soul. They’re just the personality, or part thereof, of people.
It is possible to perceive negative entities through clairvoyance and in dreams/astral travel. If you want to find out more about this, check out my astral travel books.
Worst case scenaries the entities might have so much energy that they might be able to move objects and make themselves visible in a ghostly form in the third dimension.
The best way to avoid these negative entities is to always have good feelings. To vibrate higher, and to keep your homes tidy, clean, and with good vibrations. Smudging and exorcising once in a while works too.
The opposite -to perceive and interacts with light beings- is also possible when one is vibrating higher, and unlike encounters with negative entities, encountering light beings feels pretty amazing. I was once meditating in a meditation center in Zamora, Mexico, that I was running at the time, and I saw the ghostly figure of a monk walking in front of me and sitting next to me to meditate. I actually felt very happy to see this, and I don’t even know if the monk was alive or dead, but I could feel his good energy.
Going back to Mazunte and our encounter with negative entities, I can’t really say we had a bad experience. In fact, since we love knowledge and learning from bad and good moments, I can say that we learned a lot from this and it was quite and adventure. For the rest of our stay Mazunte was actually an amazing place full of positive spiritual energy, a paradise for spiritual travel to meet great spiritual people, and this is what I’m going to talk about in the continuation of this story on my next post.